We all know that song. It is catchy and cute. It talks about a God that is so big that He can hold the entire globe in His hands. We adults know how big our world is. Not just the physical world, but even our own little "world" - or sphere of influence. We know how much swims around in our brains at any given moment. We know the depths of our hearts and how deeply we feel things.
God is a God who holds it all in His hands.
What does that even mean?
Scripture has a lot to say about God and His hands.
1. Psalm 37:24 - Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.
God keeps us from sinking. He fights and defends us. We are attacked on all sides - by our sinful flesh, by the sinful flesh of others (especially those little heathens called children), and by Satan. God is our defender! We do not need to worry, fret, or stress. We need only trust and rest in Him. He will fight for us!
2 Psalm 139:9-10 - IfI take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.
Trials are those things we face through no fault of our own. Sickness. Death. Disease. Those things happen because we live in a sinful world. Temptations are those attacks that try to draw us away to sin. Nothing we face will out-stretch the arm of God. If it is a trial, we know that God is in the midst, holding us. If it is a sin, we know we need only confess and He is faithful and just to forgive us.
3. Isaiah 49:16 - See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.
Nothing can separate us from God. Look at Romans 8: "will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" separate us from God? No! We are written on His palms. We are His beloved. Rest in that. Take comfort in the fact that we are saved - no matter what!
4. Exodus 33:22 - So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.
God protects. Not only will He defend, He protects. He sees when we suffer, and He protects us, maybe not from the suffering, but from despair. His glory will shine - even through the darkest night.
When God holds the whole world in His hands, He holds all the big things - but all the little things as well. God sees, cares, and directs even the smallest of activity.
When we fold laundry and put away the dishes, God upholds us.
When we soothe a "boo-boo" with our hands, God is soothing us with His hands.
When we suffer from an illness, God is our comfort.
When we grieve the loss (even years later), God is our hope and promise.
When we wake up tired, on Monday, with piles of laundry, God is our strength.
When we kiss a little face goodnight, God is there to watch them while they sleep.
God cares about the little moments! To me, my life is made up of little moments. No one sees me change a diaper three-four times a day. No one is there each morning as I wake up groggy. No one sees me make mac 'n cheese (again, for the 100th time). But God does. He does more than just see the moments, He cares, directs, and upholds those moments.
That is such a comfort to me – to know Someone cares. It strengthens me to continue the hard work of being a mother. It gives me peace knowing that I need not do more – but just keep doing what I am. It gives me hope that my life means something.
I know this because He has become this in my life. I do not say this with any pride or self-glory. I say this with the opposite attitude: humility. I am weak. I am prone to wonder. I am not worthy. Yet, day after day, He meets me where I am. If I am tired, He gives me strength. When I am down, He lifts my spirits. When I am overwhelmed, He gives me peace. However I am lacking, He fills my cup.
May you learn that the God who holds the WHOLE WORLD in His hands, is also the God of the little moments.