One year later, and I grieve her still. It has been a sad October for sure. It has been cold, wet, and rainy. Nothing like a typical Autumn. It perfectly reflects my mood. I am surprised how much I have not cried for her today. I have cried a lot of tears (a LOT) over the past year, so on the anniversary of her death you would think it would be the same.
The only thing distinguishing today with this day last year is time. Someone once told me that time would help heal. I did not believe them. But the fact that the ache is so much less and that I have fewer tears shed today is proof that time does help heal grief.
I am still grieving. I will always miss her. I do not want to forget her. I am thankful for all the pictures and memories that God has given me. Time isn't the only thing healing my heart - it is my God.
Thank you, Lord, for healing me of my grief in a small little way. I love you so much. Let her know how I much I love her as well. Tell her I will see her soon. Amen
At my highschool graduation....2002 |