I struggle sometimes in trusting You. Help me to trust You and lean on You. Help me not to be discouraged by those who hurt me. Help me to not be bitter towards them and help me to love them and forgive them. Amen.
Be good to me, God - and now!
I've run to You for dear life.
I'm hiding out under Your wings
until the hurricane blows over.
I call out to the High God,
the God who hold me together.
He sends orders from heaven and saves me...
God delivers generous love,
He makes good on His word.
Psalm 57:1-3 THE MESSAGE
My heart is confident in You, O God;
My heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing Your Praises!...
I will wake the dawn with my song.
I will thank You, Lord, among all the people.
I will sing Your praises among the nations.
For Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Be exalted, Or God, above the highest heavens.
May Your glory shine over all the earth.
Psalm 57:7-11 NLT
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