I see you.
I see your heart-ache....
...the good ache from all the love that you hold.
...the bad ache from all the guilt that you carry.
I see your tears of joy.
I see your tears of pain.
I see your smile, tired but sweet.
I see your tired eyes and wrinkles.
I see your gentle, maybe calloused hands.
I see the mothers sitting alone in the waiting room waiting to hear the heartbeat.
I see the mothers sitting alone in the waiting room knowing there will be no heartbeat.
I see the first-time mother in the hospital, learning her life has changed forever.
I see the last-time mother, nursing her child, knowing it is her last.
I see the mothers laying on the operating table, wishing that labor had gone different.
I see the mothers smiling because the face of the child washes away the labor pains.
I see the mothers who weep quiet tears of babies gone and never known.
I see the mothers who gently sob for children gone too soon and never forgotten.
I see mothers who carried, loved, and then gave away this gift of life.
I see mothers who cried, waited, and then took in that life that was a gift.
I see a mother who is an aunt, a cousin, a grandmother.
I see a mother who is a friend, a neighbor, or co-worker.
I see mothers whose arms are waiting.
I see mothers whose hearts are wishing.
I see the daughters weeping for their mothers.
The mother that was never there.
The mother that was gone too soon.
The mother who will forever be missed.
We are all mothers, whether you come to motherhood through the pain of childbirth or the pain of waiting.
My mother means so much to me. She taught me about love, sacrifice, and family. She worked hard, gave up a lot, and loved us all so unconditionally. I hope to be like her one day.
My Grandmother Delma - My Mom (pregnant with me) - My Grandmother Margaret
My Mother and Me
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