
Honest Moments - Jesus is Better Than Coffee

I was not a coffee drinker until I had my second son. Being up with a newborn was one thing. It was adding a two-year-old to the mix that complicated my sleep patterns. I've heard the "experts" say that for every hour of sleep you lose, you have to sleep two hours to make it up. I'm about six years behind.

Some days I just STAY tired. It doesn't matter if I get five or ten hours of sleep, my body, mind and spirit are completely worn out.

I get too tired to take a shower.

I get too tired to fix meals.

I get too tired to clean.

One day at six o'clock in the evening, I caught myself staring into space - my mind a complete blank. I woke up from my haze with a little voice demanding:"I'm hungry!!" What? Where did you come from? I thought, Where am I? How did I even get here? What time is it.....?

When my mornings begin with exhaustion, I know it is going to be tough day. My prayers of God, please give me strength seem feeble and desperate. Life is exhausting at time.  I get tired....

....mentally: You mean I have to figure out what is for dinner AGAIN?!

...physically: Why must my laundry room be in the basement and my bedrooms on the THIRD FLOOR?!

...spiritually: I'm reading God's word and trying to pray - but I'm still tired!

What do you do when your soul is tired?

I Thess. 5:16-18; 23-24
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you....Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

When we feel so tired to even function: pray.

When we feel so exhausted to even lift a finger: read God’s Word.

When we are just sitting on the couch, ignoring the chaos because our energy is at a zero: rejoice and give thanks.

I Thess. 5:24: He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

God is faithful, dear mother. He is faithful to give you strength. Those prayers we pray in the morning that are simply God, give me strength, are enough. He gives us strength. He is faithful to supply our needs. If our needs are to get more rest, He will provide the time. If our needs are to need more alone time, He will give it to us. If our needs are to make it through the day, He does that too!

God will do it, dear mother. It is through His power that we are sanctified. Yes, we are commanded to pray, rejoice, and read scripture - but the end result are HIS responsibility. He will make us more like-Christ.  It is through His power that we make it one more day, or hour, or minute, or second.

We do not need to be sprinting through life.
We need only walk.
Or crawl.
Or sit and think.

So, today - I give you permission to sit down. Rest. Maybe while you sit the laundry is unfolded, the dishes are dirty, and the toys are on the floor. Rest. Give thanks. Rejoice. Pray. Nourishing our spirit gives our soul strength. Rest. The laundry can wait.  Enjoy that extra cup of coffee – but remember to have it with Jesus.

My friend Kerri is also sharing today, so make sure to check her out.

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