Every branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away. - John 15:2
"The fruit is the one thing the branch is for, and that if it bear not fruit, the husbandman takes it away. ...The one reason for the existence of the branch, the one mark of being a true branch of the heavenly Vine, the one condition of being allowed by the divine Husbandman to share the life of the Vine is bearing fruit...Christians think their own salvation is the first thing, then temporal life and prosperity, with the care of their family, the second; and what time and interest is left may be devoted to fruit bearing, to the saving of men....Your first aim in life, your first aim everyday, should be to know how Christ desires to carry out His purpose in you." - Murray
I used to think like this! I used to think that my family and my own spiritual life was the chief aim of my life, and winning souls for Christ would come "naturally" or that God would somehow save people by just me living a good life. What an error that is! Sure, people can look at my life and see God working in my life and maybe be pointed to Him. Yet, as Murray said, that is not fruit. Winning souls is fruit.
That is easy to say, but hard to do! Who in my life, as a stay-at-home-mom, do I have to witness to. Sure, my children. Yet, right now I have a baby and a toddler. They are not ready to hear the Gospel message. Do I then just wait until their ready and not worry about witnessing? Surely not! I will pray and seek out those in my life that need to hear the Gospel message.
I think I have been focusing on encouraging others, which isn't a bad thing. Yet, I think that I need to maybe be bolder and seek out those who need to hear God's truth and be saved!
Lord, work in my heart. Give me the strength and willingness to share the Gospel with those I know. Let me not wait until someone "crosses my path." May I seek out those who need to hear your truth, especially in my own family. Amen.
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