
Love One Another

This is My commandment, that ye love one another. - John 15:12

God is love
In His love He brought forth creatures,
that He might make them partakers of His blessedness.

Christ is the Son of God's love,
the bearer,
the revealer,
the communicator of that love.

The Holy Spirit is the
Spirit of love.
He cannot impart Christ's life without imparting His love.
Salvation is nothing but love
conquering and entering into us;
we have just as much of salvation as we have of love.

Love your brethren as the way to abide in the love of your Lord.
Christ means it: You must obey, or you cannot abide in His love.

But I have tried and failed.
I see no prospect of living like Christ.
that is because you have failed to take in the first word of the parable -
"I am the true Vine: I give all you need as a branch, I give all I Myself have."

He will teach you to love, even as He loved.

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