Christmas is so much more than presents, trees, lights, and childhood.
We would all agree that Christmas is about Christ. Yet, we only focus our study on a small part of who Christ is during this Christmas season. We only talk about mangers, starts, angels, and a baby. He is so much more than that! We sing about and talk about the joy that comes with the Christmas story. But why is it so joyful that Christ was born?
Inspired by the Jesse Tree Advent book**, I am going to do a 25-Day series focusing on
finding joy in Christ! Click here for more info.
Joy of Christmas: Day Twenty-Three
The Light of the World
Jesus is the light of the world. We have that hope and joy this Christmas season. We have the knowledge that even in this dark, cold world - there is light. Jesus is that Light.
When Jesus was brought to the temple as a baby, an old prophet, Simeon, came and blessed the Child. He said:
"Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel." Luke 2:29-32
Jesus was to be our light. All the people of the earth - Jew and Gentile - would be blessed because of this baby. Is this not the promise made so long ago to Abraham? Remember God's promise? All the earth would be blessed because of a Seed of Abraham. He is here! God's promise is fulfilled. God is faithful and keeps His promises. A theme of so many things this Christmas.
Rejoice! God is faithful. He will do what He said He will do.
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