
Joy of Christmas: Day Twenty-Five

Christmas is so much more than presents, trees, lights, and childhood.

We would all agree that Christmas is about Christ. Yet, we only focus our study on a small part of who Christ is during this Christmas season. We only talk about mangers, starts, angels, and a baby. He is so much more than that! We sing about and talk about the joy that comes with the Christmas story. But why is it so joyful that Christ was born?

Inspired by the
Jesse Tree Advent book**, I am going to do a 25-Day series focusing on
finding joy in Christ! Click here for more info.

Joy of Christmas: Day Twenty-Five

The Birth of Jesus

Finally - the Joy Himself has come.  All the stories told it would happen.  All of God's people and even Gentiles waited for this moment.  God has come to earth.  It was not with fanfare or pomp.  It was simple, humble, and lowly.  Only a few of the earth knew when it happened.  Finally the moment had come - God's presence dwelt with man. Mary could look into the eyes of Maker.  Mary could hold human, baby fingers - but also God's hand.  Immanuel - God with us.  Not just next to us, or visable to us, but WITH us.  What joy to know that we can have the same presence of God within us even today!  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, made possible by the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ - we can have God's presence daily.  Rejoice, oh Christian!  You are so rich in Christ!  With just His presence, you have everything you need.

John 1
Verse 14 - And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

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