
The Joy of Christmas: Day Eleven

Christmas is so much more than presents, trees, lights, and childhood.

We would all agree that Christmas is about Christ. Yet, we only focus our study on a small part of who Christ is during this Christmas season. We only talk about mangers, starts, angels, and a baby. He is so much more than that! We sing about and talk about the joy that comes with the Christmas story. But why is it so joyful that Christ was born?

Inspired by the Jesse Tree Advent book**, I am going to do a 25-Day series focusing on

finding joy in Christ! Click here for more info.

Joy of Christmas: Day Eleven

King David

On of the most famous of the Old Testament heroes.  David truly was a "man after God's own heart."  Not only because of his actions as shepherd and king.  David slew Goliath with 5 stones and a sling-shot.  David maintained integrity when the kingdom of Saul was falling in around him.  David become a mighty king who subdued many of the lands surrounding Israel. David was more than that.  He was a sinner as well.  His attitude after his sin is what set him apart.  Even though his sin was grievous and ultimate cost his young baby's life - David was repentant. (2 Sam. 12). God accepted, not his gift on the altar, but his broken and contrite heart.  Forgiveness if found in repenting.  Anyone can say "I'm sorry." 

Psalm 51:17 says "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart - these, O God, You will not despise."

Come to Christmas repenting. Be broken before Him.  Lay your transgressions at the feet of Jesus.  For in repenting, forgiveness is found - and so is joy!

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