
The Joy of Christmas: Day Ten

Christmas is so much more than presents, trees, lights, and childhood.

We would all agree that Christmas is about Christ. Yet, we only focus our study on a small part of who Christ is during this Christmas season. We only talk about mangers, starts, angels, and a baby. He is so much more than that! We sing about and talk about the joy that comes with the Christmas story. But why is it so joyful that Christ was born?

Inspired by the Jesse Tree Advent book**, I am going to do a 25-Day series focusing on

finding joy in Christ! Click here for more info.

Joy of Christmas: Day Ten

Ruth and Boaz

I've always loved the story of Ruth and Boaz.  Sure it is a love story, but it is so much more.  It is yet ANOTHER picture of Christ found in the Old Testament.  At the end of the story, Boaz becomes Ruth's redeemer.  He buys the land that belonged to Noami's dead husband and marries Ruth.  Boaz is a type, or symbol, of Christ in that Christ too became our Redeemer.

Matthew Henry writes:
Our Lord Jesus is our Goel, our Redeemer, our everlasting Redeemer. He looked, like Boaz, with compassion on the deplorable state of fallen mankind. At a vast expense he redeemed the heavenly inheritance for us, which by sin was mortgaged, and forfeited into the hands of divine justice, and which we should never have been able to redeem. He likewise purchased a peculiar people, whom he would espouse to himself, though strangers and foreigners, like Ruth, poor and despised, that the name of that dead and buried race might not be cut off for ever.

Rejoice.  You are Ruth in this story.  Poor. Rejected. Unable to save yourself.  Christ is your Boaz!  He redeemed you - bought you back, with His very blood.  That is the story of why Christ came as a baby over 2,000 years ago! Rejoice, you are redeemed!

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