
Abide in Christ: The Twenty-Fourth Day

Abide in Christ
by Andrew Murray
Obeying His Commandments
"If you keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love." - John 15:10
"It is only as long as salvation is to the sinner nothing but a personal safety, that he can be careless or afraid of the doing of God's will."

"Be not content to have them [God's commandments] in the Bible for reference, but have them transferred by careful study, by meditation and by prayer, by a loving acceptance, by the Spirit's teaching, to the fleshly tables of the heart."

It is hard sometimes to see on social media all of the people I once knew, talk about "church" and "God" and then in then next post, show a picture of something that is totally against what God teaches.  They have not made the connect that salvation is not just for your eternal safety, but your union with God-.  And that union can start in the here and now!  How do we abide? Obey.  I can point the finger at others, but know that God sees inside my heart as well.  I long to abide, but ignore Bible Study and prayer.  I long to abide, but still lash out and do not control my anger.  I long to abide, but still I do not obey!  Obeying God's commandments is the chief way to abide!  The action of "abiding" is obeying!  I have a perfect example in Christ Jesus.  He obeyed all of His Father's commandments.  He also abode in the Father perfectly.

Lord, let me not concern myself with others, but myself. Forgive me for my disobedience.  Let me live so that Your commandments are my nourishment. Amen.

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