
Abiding in Christ: The Twenty-Fifth Day

Abide in Christ
by Andrew Murray
That Your Joy May be Full
"These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might abide in you, and that your joy might be full." - John 15:11
"We all know the value of joy. It alone is the proof that what we have really satisfies the heart. As long as duty, or self-interest, or other motives influence me, men cannot know what the object of my pursuit or possession is really worth to me. But when it gives me joy, and they see me delight in it, they know what to me at least it is a treasure."

I must admit that I was looking forward to reading this chapter.  I have struggled, wrestled, and searched the Scripture about joy recently.  So, I couldn't wait to hear what Murray had to say concerning abiding and joy. I was not disappointed:

Joy is the proof that we have all in Christ.  When we have joy, we are satisfied.  If no joy can be found in the Christian life, it is not because of Christ, but the Christian.  For having Christ is having everything satisfied.  Having Christ is having joy.  We shine our light the brightest, not by preaching, teaching, or giving - but by the joy that is in our hearts.  When a hurting, dying world sees joy in a Christian, they know something is real. 

Murray goes on to talk about an "abiding joy."  A joy that "is never to cease or to be interrupted for a moment."  He gives Paul as an example of someone who endured such sorrows, but was always rejoicing (2 Cor. 6:10). He says "Even when weeping for the sins and the souls of others, there is the fountain of gladness springing up in the faith of His power and love to save."  Think back to the past twenty-four days and reflect on the beautiful picture of abiding.  When our hearts are so connected with Christ, His own joy will indeed be found in us.  We need not to summon our own joy or try to put on a happy face - we find that our hearts naturally overflow with joy when we are connected so intimately with Christ.

Lord, You surly do know that my heart's desire is to find more joy.  Let me look to abiding.  Let me remind myself that when I am so closely knit with You and Your heart, I not only have joy - but "fullness of joy."  Amen.

check it out:
"Abide in Christ" by Andrew Murray

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