
Abide in Christ: The Twenty-Eighth Day

Abide in Christ
by Andrew Murray
As Your Strength
"All power (Authority) is give unto Me in heaven and in earth." - Matt. 27:18
"Be strong in the lord, and in the power of His might" - Eph. 6:10
"My power is made perfect in weakness." - 2 Cor. 12:9
"There is no truth more generally admitted among earnest Christians than that of their utter weakness.  There is no truth more generally misunderstood and abused."

"The Christians thinks his weakness his greatest hindrance in the life and service of God; God tells us that it is the secret of strength and success."

"The weakest believer may be confident that in asking to be kept from sin, to grow in holiness, to bring forth much fruit, he may count upon these his petitions being fulfilled with Divine power."

Abiding is the key to having this awesome power displayed day after day. Moment by moment we are given power to overcome sin, bear fruit, and strength for the trials. This teaching is throughout the New Testament.  Surrender is the hard part.  We want to hold on to our own strength so bad.  We want to see if we can "do it" first. 

My little 16 month baby is starting to look at her older brothers at the table and desires to have what they have.  She wants her food to look like theirs.  She wants to have the same cup and plate.  She now wants to use a fork or spoon as well.  Her little chubby fingers look cute hold a tiny fork.  Yet, her muscles are not developed enough to coordinate using the fork to stab the food and place it in her mouth without most of it spilling all over the table and herself.  Yet, she demands to "do it."  She cries and wines when it doesn't work right.  Yet, when we try to reach and help her, she pulls the fork away in difiances and gives us a look like, "I am doing this!  Leave me alone!  Let me do this in my own strenght!"

How many times do we try to do life on our own? The longer we live, the more we see that circumstances are out of our control and life is too hard to "do it" on our own.  We need Christ.  The beauty in weakness is that the weak are not always weak.  We are strong, when we Abide in Christ.

Lord, so many times I have tried living without You.  It is the little things I try to do - be a mom. Have a clean house.  Home school.  None of those things I can do on my own. Let me see my weakness and rejoice that YOU make me strong! Amen.

check it out:
"Abide in Christ" by Andrew Murray

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